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AC Braddock is the CEO of an internationally known and respected extraction technology company that has specialized in supercritical co2 and ethanol systems for 24 years. While Eden Labs serves many industries, in 2009 Ms. Braddock envisioned that the purity of Supercritical CO2 derived products would be a necessity for the legalization of medical applications for cannabis. This vision and years of educational outreach about the methodologies of extraction, industry standards and infrastructure planning helped lay the foundation for an industry based on social justice and health and wellbeing around whole plant product development for the Endocannabinoid system and the Entourage Effect.
Ms. Braddock is a career entrepreneur who has a keen eye for new trends, product placement, business strategy and creating a strong corporate culture and infrastructure for effective growth. In 2010, Ms. Braddock became CEO of Eden and guided the company through 100% year over year growth for 5 years, placing hundreds of systems in businesses and universities around the world.
Eden Labs has been listed as one of the top 10 fastest growing women led companies in Seattle, Washington. Her tireless dedication to her company and those it serves has garnered her a reputation as a thought leader in modern business practice, a unifier across industries, and an inspirational speaker in this emerging industry.
She is Chair of the National Cannabis Industry Association and VP of Washington state’s largest trade org. The Cannabis Alliance, BOD’s. Ms. Braddock is also a founding supporter of three Cannabis Women’s groups, WOW (Women of Weed), The Cannabis Women’s Alliance, Women Grow and is featured in the documentary Women of Weed.
Universal Trade Secrets Act
I would be interested in seeing what you are talking about. Creating better standards is of great importance to the industry. Illegal operations of any kind should be examined and if possible, brought into the legalization efforts.
Hello James. Please contact me directly through the call line. We can quickly determine a path to proceed. Thank you. Sounds interesting.
Basically, Co2 or Steam distillation under vacuum. We have systems and methodolgies to do both.
Total Grow Control has a control system called "Eden." Is there any connection to Eden Labs?
Basically, what you put in is what you get out, concentrated. As far as "seriously effect"? Depends on the quality of the trim and how much you mix it with your grade A material. Leaves do not contain much oil so adding leaves will effect yeild as well as add more lipds particularly if it is Outdoor, but if you are looking to be sustainable and utilize as much of your plant material as possible you may consider using the oil from C grade material for a separate product.
Now to your question....Extraction is also known as concentration or concnetrates, so if you think of it tha way its an easyleeap of logisc to realized that whatever is in the plant materail going into the system will be CONCENTRATED. Its important to note that materials tha test fine before extraction/concentration may test above accpetable limits after processing in the concentrate. Therefore as an industry we are tasked with being the most responsible industry in providing the public and patients pure, non-toxic consumables. There are a multitude of ways to Produce and Process healthy human consumables. It is one of the most important ways we as an industry can support the growing food movement for organic and sustainable consumables and vice a versa.
Thank you for asking this question!!
What are the various factors that may affect yield for a CO2 cannabis extraction machine?
What are the various factors that may affect yield for a CO2 cannabis extraction machine? Can you give any ranges for expected yield for Eden machines?
Thanks for your question. It is often one of the top three questions we are asked no matter what the botanical. We just posted a Blog on this subject on our website. www.edenlabs.com This is not a simple answer, but I can give you some highlights. Number one is not all co2 systems are the same. In fact they can be quite different and these differences can not only effect yield, but product and extraction time, all of which are essential components of your bottom line. If it takes 24 hours to get the same yield that another system can get in 6 hours, then you have spent considerable resources to achieve that yield. Another factor is what you are attempting to produce. Weight for contract bulk oil processing? Specialized product? A heavy terpene oil? THCA? An Eden system can produce all of these as the system can fractionate the oil. Most systems can not do this. The basic factors are; 1) How much co2 is going through the system in a given time. 2) How saturated is the material during that time 3) You get out what you put in. Yield is obviously basically dependant on the quality of the material being extracted plus the system and the skill of the operator. If you want to get deeper into this discussion as it relates to your business model, let me know. A range on yield for our latest Hi-Flo series FX2 system is 150 to 180 grms an hr. Yes, really. See the website. Grade C. About a 21% yeild.