Brainsy, Inc.
Brainsy powers online knowledge-sharing and bounty networks including patented Expert Calling Networks (ECN®), Expert Communities Online (ECO), Digital Buyers Guides, and the Who's Who in the Cannabis Industry™. Brainsy offers these services to associations, professional societies, franchisors, membership organizations, and crypto or token sponsors.
By getting your Personal Premium Profile or a Company Marketing Microsite on the Who's Who in the Cannabis Industry, you can get discovered, enhance your brand, and showcase your thought leadership. Brainsy is a portfolio company of TomorrowVentures, co-founded by Alphabet (formerly Google) Chairman, Eric Schmidt.
"SEO" isn't a dirty word used by spammers, it's an acronym for "Search Engine Optimization" and is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. Most companies operating in the SEO and cannabis space are posers. Come chat with Brainsy to see how you can use the Who's Who in Cannabis to get real organic and sustainable SEO results!
You may not realize it, but you can unlock a world of benefits by upgrading your account on the Who’s Who in Cannabis. Here we outline six reasons why you’d want to do so.
#1. Traditional social media doesn’t like you. Traditional social media services will block or delete MJ related ads and discussions. They don’t like the cannabis industry – regardless of whether you’re in a state where it’s legal or not – and will take efforts to make your life difficult. Good news on this front? Facebook is being challenged in court on these practices (thank you David C. Holland) so we hope this will change soon.
#2. Your content distribution should be contextual. With a premium presence or Microsite on the Who’s Who, you have publishing rights to the Knowledge Board and Q&A community sections of the site. You can also share brochures or documents. Search “cannabis dispensary expert” in Google and see what comes up on the first page. Do you see an article published by Khadijah Adams on the Who’s Who in Cannabis? Search “cannabis extraction expert” in Google and what do you see? It should be a page of indivi...more
Posted at 5/30/2019 7:40:11 PM