Great question. There are unique benefits to each and if it works for your budget, we recommend you consider both a Personal Premium Profile and a Company Marketing Microsite as they integrate together nicely for marketing purposes (we realize this advice sounds self serving, so please read on...).
If you had to chose just ONE, then consider which of the following might describe your situation:
Personal Premium Profile:
Inviduals that select a Personal Profile are often sole proprietors, lead consultants or the lead advisor for their business. The Personal Profile will help you get discovered and if enabled, the InCall® feature on your Personal Profile can get you paid if you have a telephone consultation with a consumer.
A Personal Profile is also relevant for companies that want to showcase the thought leadership of their company (or organization) by making one (or many) of their representatives available to the public but in a controlled manner (think of an online speakers bureau). Finally, when used actively, a Personal Profile on the Who’s Who in Cannabis provides you an opportunity to own your subject matter niche for years to come in the fast growing cannabis industry.
Company Marketing Microsite:
A Company Microsite provides an excellent opportunity to raise your company profile across the internet in a professional manner. With advanced SEO tools and interactive features, you can keep followers updated on your progress and develop a pipeline of new clients. A Company Microsite also provides you with tools for content marketing so you can educate prospective clients and the industry in general about the benefits of your service. For example, companies may respond to FAQs using their Marketing Microsite to make that information available to the cannabis community at large.
Finally, for companies that are new to the cannabis industry and are not yet prepared to emphasize their cannabis-related service offering on their main corporate website, a Who’s Who Company Microsite is the best way to interact with a targeted audience receptive to your product or service.
Used together, a Personal Premium Profile and a Company Marketing Microsite allows you to advance both a professional image and a personal touch when interacting with prospective partners, clients, or others in the cannabis industry.
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