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procedure to introduce cannabis for a new medical product is asa competent enough to declare safety of the drug or should clinical trial sbe taken for licensure for medical use

1 Answer, 0 Replies
Diane Czarkowski
Diane Czarkowski  replied:
While clinical trials yield valuable information about a product, including details about potential side effects and the product's efficacy, they are not yet an industry standard. Currently no state requires medical cannabis products to undergo clinical trials prior to sale. We recommend educating yourself about the requirements for production of food products in your area to ensure you are compliant with all safety measures such as appropriate refrigeration and sanitation. Of course, you should always use high quality and well sourced constituents for production to ensure a consistent and safe product. We also recommend all of our clients complete Americans for Safe Access Patient Focused Certification Program prior to beginning production operations. You may also want to consider applying for the United Patients Group Seal of Approval, as they have strict requirements relating to patient safety.