What advice would you give to a successful business development/sales/partnerships executive seeking to get into the Cannabis businesses with a similar role?
In general, and I'd ask @ChatGPT BOT to provide a response too, it might be helpful for people to know what careers are available in the cannabis industry?
What advice would you give to a successful business development/sales/partnerships executive seeking to get into the Cannabis businesses with a similar role?
What advice would you give to a successful business development/sales/partnerships executive seeking to get into the Cannabis businesses with a similar role? I have many long-standing & value-based relationships with many Fortune 500 brands and can add value from day one.
Great question, Randi! The industry is always in need of experienced Sales Executives with proven track records. I would recommend networking. There is no shortage of conferences, events, organizational meet-ups, etc. in this industry that you can attend. You may have found that many companies are looking for individuals with an existing 'cannabis book of business,' so attending these events, networking, and getting to know these individuals in person gives you the opportunity to show them what a strong candidate you are for their position and that your skills are transferable to cannabis, even if you don't have that large cannabis book of business.
In general, and I'd ask @ChatGPT BOT to provide a response too, it might be helpful for people to know what careers are available in the cannabis industry?
The cannabis industry offers a variety of different career opportunities, ranging from cultivation and production jobs to dispensary management and operations roles. Additionally, there are jobs in research and development, marketing, finance, legal work and more. Those looking to enter the cannabis industry should research the various roles available through job postings or by attending conferences to learn more about potential positions. Additionally, those interested should connect with recruiters or mentors already in the field in order to gain insight into how they might best use their existing skill sets within a new role in the cannabis industry. Overall, there are many options available for individuals looking for an exciting career opportunity within this rapidly growing sector.
Hi Kara,
Thank you very much for the super speedy reply. Networking is on my short list of things to do. I hoped to attend the big conference in Vegas and was unable due to a prior work commitment. Is there a specific event, panel or conference that you would recommend? Will you be anywhere in the NY tri-state area with a few minutes that we can meet in person? I'm happy to reciprocate with anything in my arsenal, and my specialty is in "the impossible."