Are employees federal rights protected?
Carole Richter replied:
Yes! There are a myriad of laws that protect employees from discrimination (Title VII, ADAAA, ADEA, GINA, PDA, etc.), ensure they are paid fairly (FLSA), and are safe in our workplaces (OSHA) under federal, state and local laws and regulations. All employees are entitled to the protections and benefits enacted. And many employers go above and beyond what is required to attract and retain the best talent and to enhance their culture.
Happy to answer any specifc questions you may have!
Are employees federal rights protected?
As an employer, I am concerned about federal implications, specifically federal rights and protections for employees and employers. Are my employees rights under federal law affected because of the industry, and as an employer what can I do to assure current and potential employees that they are protected?
Carole Richter replied:
Yes! There are a myriad of laws that protect employees from discrimination (Title VII, ADAAA, ADEA, GINA, PDA, etc.), ensure they are paid fairly (FLSA), and are safe in our workplaces (OSHA) under federal, state and local laws and regulations. All employees are entitled to the protections and benefits enacted. And many employers go above and beyond what is required to attract and retain the best talent and to enhance their culture.
Happy to answer any specifc questions you may have!