Commercial Collections Cannabis Collections Accounts receivables Debt Collection Collection Law Credit Cannabis Credit Consulting Cannabis Collection Agency Collection Agency Cannabis Credit Collection Services Accounts receivable management Risk Management Credit Scoring
Questions about collections? How to make sure that your receivables are performing so you can create more cash flow? This is what Ross Gelfand has been doing for over a quarter of a century. With a law degree and MBA from Emory University, I am able to look at all my clients’ businesses through two lenses- legal and business. I find that most companies that place their receivables out for collections do not do the proper due diligence when selecting a collection agency. They do not conduct a formal interview to determine if the collection agency is reputable and what processes the agency uses to collect their past due receivables.
Problem - a large wholesaler has past due accounts from the retailer that they are selling and because of the current economic environment it is become harder and harder to collect. They use the traditional methods of collecting by
1) Contact the customer
2) Send dunning letters
3) Communicate again
4) Decide to turn the receivable over to a collection agency
Action – The wholesaler assigns his 90-120 day receivables to Ross Gelfand.
Results – By utilizing a legal letterhead and legal talk-off when approaching these past due accounts, the retailer realizes that the wholesaler means business and pays off the receivable through a structured settlement.
Ross Gelfand has organized an effective model of collecting receivables for their clients. Since we are a collection legal network as well, we utilize methods such as asset searches and skip tracing tools so if we have to litigate, we usually win and have an asset to garnish. We monitor and report all collection efforts no matter where the client/Debtor resides.
Attorney, Managing Partner
CannaBIZ Collects
January 2018 - present
The nation's leading cannabis collection agency.
R&B Collections
January 2015 - January 2017
Independent Consultant Collections
Helping small and medium size agencies and law firms in setting up, organizing and regulatory issues in all aspects of third party collections and creditors rights work
Owner / Operator
Law Offices of Ross Gelfand
January 1984 - January 2014
- Successful owner/operator of a major commercial and consumer collection agency and Georgia Law Firm
- Collected over $1,000,000 in monthly placements from 2012-2014.
- Ranked number 9 in the US in terms of volume of claims placed in 2005.
- Specialized in auto-deficiency and commercial collections on a national basis
Bachelor's Degree
BA - Political Science
Juris Doctor (J.D.)
Goizueta Business School - MBA - 1981 & School of Law - JD - 1981